The basic period of eligibility ends 12 years from the date of notification of one of the following:
The basic period of eligibility may be extended if a 职业康复 Counselor (VRC) determines that a Veteran has a Serious Employment Handicap
The Veteran is scheduled to meet with a VRC for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if he/she is entitled for services. 综合评价包括:
A VRC works with the veteran to complete a determination if an employment handicap exists. An employment handicap exists if the Veteran's service connected disability impairs his/her ability to obtain and maintain a job. Entitlement to services is established if the veteran has an employment handicap and is within his or her 12-year basic period of eligibility and has a 20% or greater service-connected disability rating.
如果服务连接的残疾率小于20%, or if the veteran is beyond the 12-year basic period of eligibility, then a serious employment handicap must be found to establish entitlement to VR&E服务. A serious employment handicap is based on the extent of services required to help a Veteran to overcome his or her service and non-service connected disabilities permitting the return to suitable employment.
康复计划是个体化的, 服务的书面大纲, resources and criteria that will be used to achieve employment and / or independent living goals. The plan is an agreement that is signed by the Veteran and the VRC and is updated as needed to assist the veteran to achieve his/her goals.
取决于他们的情况, veterans will work with their VRC to select one of the following five tracks of services:
在制定并签署计划之后, a VRC or case manager will continue to work with the Veteran to implement the plan to achieve suitable employment and/or independent living. VRC或病例管理人员将提供持续的咨询, 援助, 协调辅导等服务, 求职技能培训, 医疗和牙科转诊, 调整咨询, 培训津贴的发放, 如果适用的话, and other services as required to help the Veteran achieve rehabilitation.
一位参与VR的老兵&E Program who qualifies for Post-9/11 GI Bill® 好处 can elect to receive the GI Bill® rate of pay instead of the regular Chapter 31 subsistence allowance. In most cases, the GI Bill® rate is higher than the regular Chapter 31 rate of pay. 选举《十大电子游艺网站排行》费率, the Veteran must have remaining eligibility for the Post-9/11 GI Bill®, 并且必须正式选择(或“选择”)GI法案®费率. 你的VRC可以帮助你选举. 参与VR的老兵&E Program who elect the Post-9/11 rate are paid at the 100% rate level for their school and training time, 即使他们的9/11后退伍军人法案®资格低于100%. 通过VR还可以获得额外的好处&E Program, such as full payment of all books, fees and supplies as well as other supportive services.
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